A Brief History of Lovell
The town of Lovell is named after Henry Clay Lovell, one of the earliest cattle ranchers in the area. The town is nicknamed "The City of Roses," because one Dr. William Horsley, apparently a renowned expert on roses, lived in the area for half a century and spread roses throughout the area.
Lovell, like Worland, is home to a sugar beet factory.
More info later.
Here's Lovell's main street in the 1950s. Looks an awful lot like the rest of the small towns in Wyoming, doesn't it?
Jumping back in time a bit, here's Lovell in the 1920s, from just a little further up the road than in the top photo. The biggest changes in the roughly 20 to 30 years between photos seems to be a paved road, and Lovell Lumber becoming a hardware store.
Here's an old industry in Lovell - the Big Horn Glass Company. This photo was taken about 1910. I don't know if it had rail service or not. It certainly isn't in operation any more, and I have no idea when it closed down. If I ever learn more about it, I'll post it.
Another substantial industry in Lovell was Lovell Clay Products, which produced primarily brick, tile and sewer pipe from clay mined in it's own clay pit near town. Here are two different photos for comparison. It's very interesting to study the photos and note the differences in the buildings between the two. I think the second photo is the more recent, but that's just based on the quality of the photo.